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Designed authentically to serve your daily zikrullah needs.

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We collaborate with validated teachers in developing the content for ZikrQu.


We carefully select sources of zikr in accordance with the guidance of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).


We do not charge any fees for you to enjoy your zikr activities with ZikrQu.

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What is ZikrQu

ZikrQu is a digital product created that helps Muslims remember Allah throughout their day, fostering a stronger spiritual connection and enhancing their daily spiritual activities.

The mission is to strengthen the faith of Muslims by integrating daily Zikrullah activities into their routine through a user-friendly digital platform.


Anytime, Anywhere

Remember Allah in times of ease, and He will remember you in times of hardship. (HR. Tirmidzi)


Download ZikrQu App

ZikrQu app available for Android and iOS.
